Når det kommer til arbejdspåklædning, er alsidighed, sofistikering og komfort nøglefaktorer at overveje. I en verden af professionel mode er det få beklædningsgenstande, der kan måle sig med den tidløse...
Malaika New York: Innovative Zero Waste Garments to Embrace Your Unique Shape In 2014, Danish-born Malaika Boysen Haaning was studying at Parsons School...
Jyske Vest Kysten Newspaper
Malaika Boysen Haaning featured in the danish newspaper Jyske Vest Kysten. She tells about her journey on how she landed up creating zero waste clothing...
Frontløber vender hjem fra New York: 10 Sprøgsmål til designer Malaika
A feature about Malaika New York zero waste strategies and why she moved back to Denmark. Read the full article here:
Malaika New York Featured in ECONYL magazine 2021. Read the full article here
Zeroing in on Zero-Waste Design
Malaika New York mentioned in "Zeroing in on Zero-waste Design" by Wear fashion workbook.
Morning Lazziness
Read the full article: 6 mom-entrepreneurs shared their morning routine for a productive day here
Morning lazziness
Read the full article: take inspiration from 6 female fashion designers who started small and built their own way here
Wolf & Badger Magazine
We have been featured in Wolf & badgers magazine. Find out what Zero waste fashion is. Read the article here